Tuesday, February 08, 2005


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Today I spent some time on the track I have made on my land. Its god for working with small teams and leader training. I ran Pumpkin, Jack, Cruiser and Doppler on on run and then later I ran Jack by himself and Doppler by himself.
It was a new experience for Jack to run by himself pulling a sled, But He caught on and dug down and pulled. I am working on teaching him commands. When I tried Doppler, I thought he would not do quite as well as Jack because Doppler is not as strong but the whole time I was working with Jack, Doppler was quite impatiaently protesting from his chain asking me "why can't I go?" "Why can't I go?" "Please? Please?" "Oh, come on!"

You may think I am anthropomorphizing but those were his exact words. Except the dog mouth is not designed to make consonants, only vowel sounds.

So By the time It was Dopplers turn he was so full of pent up energy, he shot around the track.
I think Doppler is better with commands too and is very eager to please me. I still think these two dogs are my best leader prospects even though they are yearlings.
Jack knows how to talk too, but He says things more along the lines of "Hey, Buddy, what do you think you are doing? I am the one that gets hooked up first! or Hurry up with that food."
Or "Boy am I glad to see you! How bout a hug!"
Most of the time though he likes to shoot me quizzical looks.
Both of these young Guys look at me with a degree of admiration, and that may be the main reason why I like them in lead. As someone once said, If I can strive to be half the person my dog thinks I am I will be doing well, indeed!


Blogger Ted Heistman said...

This is pretty much what they live for. You know how dogs act when they know you are getting ready to take them for a walk? Well it the same thing. Only I get seven dogs jumping up an down eager to go.
Doppler is still jumping up and down after the first couple laps her as you can see. he is the light colored dog in the back.

February 9, 2005 at 9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How'd Pumpkin do on this run? From what I read in the most recent post you didn't write much about her. Unless I missed something?
Jake Robinson

February 9, 2005 at 10:30 AM  
Blogger dogsled_stacie said...

Hey - was this the team you were having problems with earlier?!? Sure doesn't look like it here!! Good job and nice pics!

February 9, 2005 at 12:24 PM  
Blogger Ted Heistman said...

I haven't run her much. I tried her in lead for the run in the picture and then took her out of it again. The thing with her is she likes to take one lap and then go back home. She knows commands but somtimes chooses to do her own thing. So I decided not to let her teach bad habits to Jack. My wife loves her so she will have a place in the team. She is pulling better and is a decent team dog. I think she can be a good going home leader if I put her in on the trail and then head back. I would rather have a young leader that gets confused at turns than one that decides whether or not to listen to me. Its not just Pumpkin all my former race leaders are like that.
But I'm having fun anyhow. this little track is perfect for working on training issues.


February 9, 2005 at 1:35 PM  
Blogger Ted Heistman said...

Stacie, actually, these are three yearlings and one four year old. I haven't had problems with any of these dogs except the one leader Pumpkin.I seem to have better luck training dogs from scratch than getting experienced lead dogs to listen to me.
One dog not in the picture is Ruger. He is a steady faithful wheel dog.
It has giving me a lot of satisfaction training these young dogs. You can probably see we are all having fun!


February 9, 2005 at 1:43 PM  
Blogger Barbara Chatterton said...

Hey Ted,
Fabulous photos and fascinating postings-even for a non-musher like me. Enjoyed the story about Strider and the eating habits of the dogs. There is a lot of human interest in your writing-lots of universal appeal. Keep up the good work and hope to see you all soon.
Love, Mom

February 10, 2005 at 5:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ted, Linda takes great pictures! We're looking forward to seeing you, Linda, and the team in April. The snow may be gone by then, so we may not be able to see the team work out.


February 11, 2005 at 10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nanook,
I really love your blog! You look great driving those dogs. I can't believe how carefully you train each dog and are intimately aware of each one's idiosyncratic traits. The Dog Whisperer rides again!!
Love, Aunt Laura

February 11, 2005 at 4:00 PM  
Blogger Ted Heistman said...

Well, I'm not "dog whisperer" yet but that sure is a good goal. there are some amzing dog trainers out there that I want to emulate. I might attend this thing called "mushing boot camp" and learn from some real pros.

Thanks for stopping by.


February 12, 2005 at 6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the boot camp would be a great idea. I have never attended it myself but have heard nothing but great things. If I wasn't such a penny pincher I most definately would've attended last spring. Theres always a thing or two we can learn from the pros.

Jake Robinson

February 14, 2005 at 1:26 PM  

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